Naming Suncoast Hospice Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy helps to create a lasting legacy of comfort and care.

You may have taken out a life insurance policy years ago to ensure that your loved ones are protected financially should something happen to you. But over time, your children have grown up and become self-supporting or your spouse may have died. In these cases, who will benefit from your life insurance?

You can change your beneficiary to Suncoast Hospice Foundation, or add Suncoast Hospice Foundation as one of the beneficiaries, and turn your policy into a legacy gift.

There are several options available to structure your gift of life insurance, depending on the type of policy you have and your personal needs. No matter how you structure it, your policy can be an easy way for you to make a significant deferred gift to Suncoast Hospice Foundation.

For more information, contact Planned Giving Director Karen Van De Putte at (727) 523-3422 or